Equipment List
Amek/Tac Magnum Analog 24 bus inline console with 52 inputs on mixdown
Smooth and versatile musical EQ, 8 seperate auxiliary busses
8 subgroup busses , 2 mute groups
Full solo-in-place etc.
Full 768 Point Bantam Patchbay
Recorders / Converters:
Alesis HD24XR - 24 bits 96khz
HHB Pro Dual CD Recorder/Duplicator
DAW & Converters & Plugins:
Protools, Reaper with UAD QUAD (Various Plugins)
RME Hammerfall DIGI 9652 for 48 I/O of ADAT lightpipe,
for up to 48 discrete analog outputs to the mixing console.
Alesis AI-3 8 AD/DA and 8 ADAT lightpipe I/O
Tannoy Gold
RS Minimus 7
AKG K702 PRO Headphones
Microphone Preamps:
John Hardy Class A M1
CS Great River MP-2 (2)
CS NEVE 1290 (2)
CS AMEK Magnum (22)
Langley (4)
CS LA2A tube limiter
CS 1176 limiter
DBX 160x
Aphex Compellor (2)
Behringer Multicom Pro (4)
Reverb & Delay:
Lexicon 300 Reverb
Lexicon MPX1 Multi-effects
Lexicon PCM60 Reverb
Kurzweil Rumor Reverb
Outboard EQ's:
Pultec EQP-1A Tube Passive EQ
Cue System:
Behringer HA4700 Pro Headphone Amp (8)
Beyer DT990 PRO Headphones (2)
Beyer DT880 PRO Headphones (2)
Audio Technica ATH-M50
AKG DT280 Headphones
Sennheiser HD560 Headphones
Mojave MA-200 Tube
AKG D112
AKG C418 (4)
Audio Technica ATM450 (2)
AKG 214
Audio Technica AT4047 LDC (2)
Audio Technica 4033 LDC
Audio Technica 4051 SDC
Audio Technica 4050 LDC
Behringer B5 SDC (2)
Beyer M201 (2)
Beyer M88
Shure SM57 (2)
Shure SM58
Shure SM7b
Sennheiser MD421 (2)
Sennheiser MD441
Sennheiser e609
M-Audio Luna LDC
Electro Voice RE-20
Radial JDV Active DI
Radial Pro Passive DI (2)
Crown PZM (2)
Musical Instruments:
Hammond C3 Organ with Leslie 147
Fender Princeton Reverb RI
Fender Vibolux Reverb (1967 Silverface)
Fender Super Reverb (1969 Silverface)
Wurlitzer 200A Electric Piano
Gretsch Vintage Custom Drum Set (10, 14, 20)
Gretsch Vintage Custom Drum Set (12, 14, 22)
Yamaha Custom Oak snare
Pearl Popcorn snare
Pork Pie 6x12 snare
Pearl Piccollo snare
Yamaha Signature David Garibaldi snare
Zildjian & Paste Cymbals
Gibson Les Paul Goldtop 57 Custom Shop
Fender Sratocaster Strat-Plus
CS Sratocaster Strat
Fender American Telecaster
CS Tele with custom wound 59 pickups
CS Tele with custom wound P90
and Duesenberg Vibrato
Fernandez Sratocaster
Ovation UKII Electric Guitar
Yamaha 5 String Bass
Assorted Percussion
Supro Lapsteel Guitar (1944)
Recording King 6 string Lapsteel
Yamaha Nylon String Guitar
Taylor Acoustic Guitar
Roland SC88 MIDI sound module
Roland MIDI Controller Keyboard
Nord Electro Keyboard